Tuesday, 2 February 2016

International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education, ICTEE 2016

The Third International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education, ICTEE 2016, was held from January 8 to 12, 2016 organized in association with Indo –US Collaboration for Engineering Education (IUCEE). The exhibition and seminar was held at the College of Engineering Pune. It was among the best stalls and appreciated by all the visitors. The faculty from Manipal, Karnataka also appreciated the stall. The other stalls participation was from Maharashtra and southern India and MUJ was the only University from the North.

Associate Dean, FOE and DirectorSCIT, participated in the Conference. They discussed regarding OBE Solutions (On Going beyond Accreditation) with the representatives of the various software companies who were having the stalls in the exhibition.

There were enquiries for Ph. D and M Tech degrees in Electrical Engineering and the students’ feedbacks were taken. The software companies also visited the MUJ stall.  The total number of stalls were 40 in the Exhibition.  The MUJ stall had the highest footfall leading to a high level of branding.  

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